What Is Accupuncture?
There may be a wide range of health/MSK problems that would benefit from the use of Acupuncture, primarily reduce the sensation of pain, and improve the quality and quantity of movement.
If the area in question is overly sensitive to methods such as massage, then acupuncture may be an useful alternative to relieve tension. This technique can stimulate the body to release the body’s natural pain and stress-relieving chemicals, namely endorphins and oxytocin, and with the additional release of melatonin it may also aid in the sleep quality.
With regards to pain, acupuncture can also stimulate nerve endings to manipulate the pain gate theory and promote access to movement and recovery.
Book An Appointment
Book your sports therapy appointment online with our team of experts.
Frequently Asked Questions
£50 unless you’re part of the affiliated clubs for discount
Usually between 45 mins and 60 mins
Anything you feel comfortable in and move around sensibly
We can use a range of different techniques at DAHM and these will be selected based on the outcome of the assessment and discussed with you so you are happy with the plan
Clinic is within the Sheepmount Athletics Stadium, Carlisle CA3 8XL
Use the ‘Book now’ button on the website and this will take you to the DA Human Mechanics Platform on the ‘Sports Injury Fix’ site where you can see the diary and select a slot suitable for you.
At DAHM we have a 24 hour cancellation policy that we adhere to. Any appointments cancelled within this period will be expected to pay for the appointment in full. This is to protect appointments for everyone.
Follow up appointments may be necessary, however, you will never be pressured into booking more. We pride ourselves on client education and self-management where possible.